President Petro Dennounces Inminent Coup After the Following Investigation of the CNE

President Gustavo Petro, Oct 2024 Photo: @ale_rusconi
October 8, 2024 Hour: 7:21 pm
The president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, denounced on Tuesday that he started the coup against him and against the Historical Pact, which had already been warning weeks ago.
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Petro’s declaration has taken place before the message of the Full Chamber of the National Electoral Council, which decided to open an investigation and formulate charges against the presidential campaign of the first and second round of the coalition Pacto Histórico, represented Gustavo Petro Urrego, candidate; candidate; Ricardo Roa Barragán, campaign manager; Lucy Aydee Mogollón Alfonso treasurer, María Lucy Soto Caro and Juan Carlos Lemus Gómez, auditors; to the political movement Colombia Humana and the political party Unión Patriótica (UP); for the alleged breach of the electoral campaign financing regime».
At the moment, the Government of Change, led by the president, is in the Carmen de Viboral, Antioquia, during the symbolic reparation act in which the State publicly acknowledges its responsibility for the human rights violations that occurred in Vereda La Esperanza in 1996.
According to the Colombian presidency, this public pardon is in compliance with the judgment handed down on August 31, 2017 by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in the case ‘Vereda La Esperanza vs. Colombia’.
In a political analysis, the Lawfare Observatory has reported that, for several months, the Government has been receiving complaints with a strong echo in the national press and with the intention of discrediting its management.
“The accusations can be grouped in two ways: those based on the financing of campaigns to congress and the presidency during 2022, and those related to alleged irregular acts during the current administration,” said the platform.
Meanwhile, the senator of the Historical Pact, José María Pizarro, said that the decision of the CNE to bring charges against the president establishes a precedent that violates the Political Constitution and puts at risk the division of powers.
“Even worse, it gives rise to an investigation that can lead to a coup”, he added, while specifying that “those of us who defend democracy must reject this decision and be alert to any situation that puts the popular mandate at risk. NO to the Coup”, he said.
Autor: CC
Fuente: teleSURtv